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62% россиян не доверяют отечественной вакцине Sputnik V. (И правильно делают)

Участников: 2

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Ослиные уши госдепа
За успехи в пропагандонстве

Over 60 per cent of Russians don't want Sputnik V vaccine.
MOSCOW -- Nearly two thirds of Russians are not willing to receive Russia's Sputnik V vaccine,
an independent pollster said on Monday.

The Levada Center said a poll it conducted last month showed that 62% of people did not want
to get Russia's domestically produced vaccine, and that the highest level of reluctance was
identified among 18 to 24-year-olds.

The country of around 145 million people launched a mass vaccination campaign with Sputnik V
in December. On Feb. 10, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said that more than two million
Russians have been vaccinated with at least the first dose of Sputnik V.

But the biggest problem in Russia is that there is no vaccine in the country.
Country leadership impose it on other countries, but this process is slow.
Many countries do not trust vaccines from Russia.


Carpal tunnel
Carpal tunnel

стёп мы же уже занимались с тобою подсчётом
62 это НЕ россиян
62 это - россиянцы
то есть обиженные на разум
и даже среди ТАКОГО контингента 38% человекообразных
что довольно значительная "цифра" согласись

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